Mastering the Forehand Drop in Squash

Among the array of shots in a Squash player’s repertoire, the Forehand Drop shot stands out as one of the most effective and sophisticated.

Forehand Drop in Squash

For junior players, mastering this shot can be a game-changer, adding a new dimension to their gameplay. In this blog, we’ll delve deeper into the mechanics, strategies, drills, and mindset necessary to perfect the forehand drop shot.

The Essence of the Forehand Drop Shot

The forehand drop shot is a controlled and precise shot aimed at placing the ball gently into the front corner of the court, ideally just above the tin. This shot forces your opponent to scramble forward, disrupting their rhythm and positioning. Executed well, the forehand drop can be an excellent offensive tool to win points or a defensive manoeuvre to gain a strategic advantage.

Mechanics of the Forehand Drop

The forehand drop in squash is a delicate and strategic shot, requiring precision and control. To execute it, the player should adopt:

Grip and Stance:

  • Grip: Maintain a relaxed but firm grip, using the standard forehand grip. The grip should allow for subtle wrist adjustments to finesse the shot.
  • Stance: Position yourself with your feet shoulder-width apart, ensuring your knees are slightly bent. Your weight should be evenly distributed, and ready to shift smoothly.

Swing and Contact:

  • Backswing: Keep your backswing short and controlled. The key is to focus on precision rather than power.
  • Wrist and Racket Face: Ensure your wrist is firm yet flexible enough to adjust the racket face. The racket should be slightly open to guide the ball towards the front wall.
  • Point of Contact: Aim to strike the ball just in front of your body, using a gentle touch to drop it softly over the tin.


  • Control over Power: Your follow-through should be smooth and controlled, reflecting the soft touch required for the drop shot.
  • Racket Angle: Maintain an open racket face throughout the follow-through to keep the ball low and controlled.

Strategic Application

The strategic application of the forehand drop in squash lies in its ability to disrupt the opponent’s rhythm and positioning:

Tactical Positioning:

  • The forehand drop shot is most effective when executed from the mid-court or the front-court. It can catch your opponent off guard, especially if they are positioned towards the back.
  • Use the drop shot to exploit openings in your opponent’s positioning or to relieve pressure when you are on the defensive.

Deceptive Play:

  • Deception is crucial in squash. Use body language and racket preparation to disguise your intentions. Mimic the preparation for a drive or a boast to make your drop shot less predictable.
  • Alternating your shot selection keeps your opponent guessing and prevents them from anticipating your drops.

Optimal Timing:

  • Timing is everything. Execute the forehand drop shot when your opponent is off-balance or out of position. This can be particularly effective after a long rally when your opponent’s movement may be compromised.
  • Avoid overusing the drop shot, as predictability can lead to easy counterattacks by your opponent.

Advanced Practice Drills for juniors

There are some advanced practice drills for juniors to improve their forehand drop in squash focusing on precision, control, and consistency:

Solo Drills:

  • Consistency and Accuracy: Practice hitting forehand drops against the front wall, focusing on consistent placement and control. Vary the height and angle to enhance your precision.
  • Target Practice: Set up targets on the front wall to aim for. This will help improve your accuracy and control under different conditions.

Partner Drills:

  • Feeding Drills: Have a partner feed balls to different areas of the court, allowing you to practice your drops from various positions. This simulates match conditions and improves your adaptability.
  • Rally Incorporation: Engage in rallies where the objective is to incorporate at least one drop shot per rally. This helps reinforce the tactical use of the shot and builds confidence in executing it during a match.

Conditioned Games:

  • Drop Shot Challenges: Play games where points can only be won with a successful drop shot. This encourages you to think strategically and develop the shot under competitive conditions.
  • Positional Play: Focus on games where you and your partner take turns initiating play from different positions, incorporating drop shots to exploit positional advantages.

The Mental Game:

When it comes to developing the right mindset to do forehead drop, there are a few things junior squash players can do to execute the technique:

Patience and Discipline:

  • Developing a reliable forehand drop shot takes time and consistent practice. Be patient and disciplined in your training, focusing on gradual improvement.
  • Embrace mistakes as learning opportunities. Each error brings you one step closer to mastering the shot.

Confidence and Composure:

  • Confidence is key. Trust in your training and have the confidence to execute the drop shot during matches.
  • Stay composed under pressure. The forehand drop is a delicate shot that requires a calm and steady hand.

Adaptability and Strategy:

  • Be adaptable. Every opponent and match scenario is different. Adjust your use of the forehand drop based on the specific context of the game.
  • Incorporate the drop shot into a broader strategic framework. Use it as part of a varied and unpredictable game plan to keep your opponent on their toes.

Final Thoughts

Like every technique in Squash mastering the forehand drop shot in Squash is a journey that combines technical precision, strategic insight, and mental fortitude. For juniors, this shot is a valuable addition to their skill set, offering a way to control the pace of the game and gain a competitive edge.

By focusing on detailed mechanics, practising with purpose, and developing the right mindset, juniors can transform the forehand drop shot into a powerful weapon in their Squash arsenal. Happy playing and keep pushing the boundaries of your game!